Medication Administration/Observation Introduction (eMAR/eMOR) (v3)

The documentation of medication administration or observation is a big part of medication management, and ZenCharts has an electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR) as well as an electronic Medication Observation Record (eMOR).

Depending on the staff or the facility we can set up what each member has access to whether they are administering medications or documenting the observation of medications being taken by the client's on their own. 

Both the eMAR and eMOR have the same functionality and work the same way with one difference, an eMOR requires the patient to sign for their medications, where an eMAR does not require client signature. The button to click to sign off the medication in an eMAR will say 'Administer', and the eMOR will say 'Observe' .

We also have client specific eMAR/eMOR's within each client's charts, however if it is med pass time and you have multiple clients waiting to get their medications, you can utilize our eMAR/eMOR Dashboard where all of your clients medications due for the day can be seen and signed off on all from one page without having to hop from chart to chart during med pass time. 

The eMAR/eMOR is generated by the system daily based based on the orders entered for the client's chart in ZenCharts, so there is no additional step of copying orders into a med log in order to document a med pass. 

Full Documentation:

Ordering In ZenCharts:

Vital Charts Overview: 

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