How to Use DoseSpot
Once you have signed up and are set up to use ZenCharts, after accepting your terms and agreements, your ePrescribing page may look similar to this screenshot. Please review this document to get an orientation to DoseSpot.
Layout Orientation
'ePrescribing' - To access; log into ZenCharts, click into desired active client's chart, click on the main navigation and go to the Medical section, and select the ePrescribing menu location
' is a link that will pull up your clinician details on recordLock Icon - Allows you to update and change your PIN
'Provider Notifications' - Check these notifications often, there are items that need your actions, click into this section to see any Transmission Errors, Pending Prescriptions, and Refill Requests
'Add/Edit Drug Allergies' - Click here to add and update client allergies prior to ordering medications
'Add/Edit Pharmacies' - Click here to search for the client's preferred pharmacy either by Pharmacy name, address, or Zip code, and mark the pharmacy as the preferred Pharmacy. You can set up more than 1 preferred pharmacy, and edit this at any time.
'Add Prescription' - Click here to begin the ordering process
'Add Patient Reported'- Click here to create a list of patient reported medications
'Active Medications' - This view allows you to see the current medications you've ordered for this client
'Inactive Medication' - This view will display a list of inactive orders
'Medication History' - This view will allow you to pull a medication history with the client's consent.
'Pending Medications' - Not Displayed in this demo screenshot is a table that would be in the middle of the screen labeled 'Pending Medication' which would list all the orders you've entered for this client, but is still waiting on you to take actions on, such as approve and send, edit, delete, change pharmacy, etc.
Alerts & Interactions - Not displayed in this demo screenshot, if there were any alerts and interactions, it would display in the middle of the screen for you to view
How to Enter & Send An Order
Click on 'Add prescription' - 'Step 1' will display, search for a medication by name in the text line, then click the medication name to select it
'Step 2' Click on the desired strength for this medication
'Step 3' Fill out the fields that display: Effective date, Patient Directions, Dispense, Refills, Days Supply. You also have the option to enter any additional notes to the pharmacy by clicking '+Show Pharmacy Notes', you can select 'no substitutions' if you need the brand you ordered and not generic, and you can click the star to 'save as favorite' if it's an often prescribed medication, and you want it to be in your favorites list. Finally, Click 'Save Prescription' and this will now drop that entry into the 'Pending Medications' table
(Once you click 'Save Prescription' it will move down into the 'Pending Medication' Section. At this point you can either enter additional prescriptions by following the same 3 steps above, or you can continue to send the prescriptions you have already entered)
4. 'Pending Medications' - Select the check boxes of the desired order, and click 'Approve & Send' or 'Approve & Print' . You can also take additional actions prior to approving and sending/printing by click on the 'Actions' tab in the last column of the pending medications table, and you will see the options to Edit, Delete, Change Pharmacy, or Start the Prior Auth for the selected medication
5. 'Please Input PIN' You will be prompted to enter your pin # and click submit. If it is a controlled substance, you will be prompted to enter a TFA code as well. (You must have completed the additional Identity Proofing Process, and set up your DUO Mobile app to be able to order controlled substances via DoseSpot)
Watch This Quick Tutorial - Keep in mind this is a demo/staging account, and not all functionality can be fully viewed or completed (such as approving and sending the prescription)
DoseSpot Orders In ZenCharts
Orders entered and sent through DoseSpot can be viewed by other staff in ZenCharts in the Medical > Orders section of the client's chart, or anywhere else that displays the client's 'current medications' list, such as their face sheet.
If you want these orders to also push into the eMAR/eMOR section of the client's chart, it must be updated prior to the order showing up in the eMAR for staff to document on. To update the order to display in the eMAR, follow these steps:
Click to the client's chart, and navigate to Medical > Orders
Click on the edit pencil next to the order.
If you are on Version 2.0 of ZenCharts, all you need to do is read the Instructions in the notes field, and update the route and frequency field based on the instruction, and click update. This order will now push into the eMAR/eMOR
If you are on version 3.1 of ZenCharts, you will need to go through steps 1-3 , and update the necessary fields. Follow the instructions in this article on how to update a DoseSpot order in ZenCharts 3.1 so that it pushes into the eMAR .
How to Request a DoseSpot account: