Updating a DoseSpot Order to Display in the eMAR (v3)
If the providers at your facility are entering medication orders through DoseSpot in ZenCharts, and you need those orders to push into the eMAR/eMOR, the order will need to be updated in order for it to populate into the eMAR/eMOR. Below are the steps to update a DoseSpot order within ZenCharts (Note: you will need the appropriate rights in ZenCharts to update these orders)
Log into ZenCharts, and click into the client's charts.
Click the main navigation and select 'Medical'
Click into the 'Orders' tab
DoseSpot Orders will be labeled as such, click on the edit pencil on the right
You will see the DoseSpot order details at the top of the page. All orders will be defaulted to a standard order - open ended order, if you need to change this, you may do that at this time. You may also fill out the justification field at this point.
Click save and proceed.
Once on the order specification page, look at the DoseSpot order information on top of the screen, then search for the medication in the Rx Norm search field and select the medication & strength
Scroll down to the frequency and select the frequency based on the notes entered by the prescriber, if it is a PRN order, be sure to select the PRN checkbox
At this point you may adjust the dose quantity if needed (based on how the DoseSpot order was written), or set additional requirements, then click save and proceed.
Review the Order, make sure what you entered matches the order details that were entered by the provider in DoseSpot. You may add Quantity and refill at this point as well. If the order is all set, click on start manual order.
Note the start date and time, it can be adjusted as needed, select the name of the provider who entered the original order, and select e Prescription in the ordered via field, click Add Orders
You have now updated the DoseSpot Order to a ZenCharts order that will populate into the eMAR.
View the video below to view the full process: