Master Treatment Plan 2.5 Full Documentation

Note: This article is still being edited. Last update 2/8/18

Setting up your ZenCharts account to leverage new functionality can be done by following these steps:

  1. Decide if you will be utilizing the Master Treatment Plan along with Individual Plans (per problem), Initial Treatment Plan, and / or Master Problem List. This should be a discussion that your clinical team has with your Joint Commission consultant, Clinical Director, and your State Compliance Lead.

To change what options are available to your team, go to settings > rights > and adjust the user privileges for each section within ZenCharts.

Example: If the Master Treatment Plan will be done within 24 hours (recommended), and will replace the Initial Treatment Plan, you will want to deactivate the Initial Treatment Plan template, along with the menu location (if it is no longer relevant).

Important: Also deactivate the form template to make sure that the form does not continue to auto-create. Simply removing user access to the form location does not change the settings of all forms within. To do this go to settings > form templates > deactivate form(s).

Settings for the new Master Treatment Plan 2.5

There are two settings you will want to adjust within each measurement based tool you will be utilizing. 

  1. Select 'measurement based tool'.
  2. Select where this form will be found. We recommend 'measurement based tools', but can select multiple areas for easy workflow. Perhaps 'Assessments' is an additional area that will help staff.

    3. Change the module that you will use to reference your treatment plan objectives within any piece of content you decide (typically progress notes, family notes, etc.)

The old module was found in the form builder under > meta data > patient > 'tx objectives':

The new module is found in the form builder under > meta data > patient > 'tx objectives MTP'. Once saved you will see the following appear on the front end of the form when in a client chart.

In settings > go to 'custom content' and select the modalities, and services you want to be able to select within your Master Treatment Plan.

Congratulations, you now have set the necessary settings in order to start using the Master Treatment Plan with Measurement Based Tools within ZenCharts!

Now it is time to create your plan, review, and establish an effective workflow.

  1. The client should have a diagnosis. This can be done in either an assessment utilizing ZenCharts' native diagnosis module, or by adding the items within their Master Problem list along with additional problems. Wiley® content is still available to you, and is already mapped up. ZenCharts has done the heavy lifting!

Diagnosis Module:

Master Problem List:

     2. When in a client chart > select 'Treatment Plans' from the main navigation.

     3. Click 'Add Form' 

     4. Select 'Add Form' next to the 'Master Treatment Plan' (or whatever the plan is named in your account. Some have it called 'Joint Commission Treatment Plan'.

     5. Once the form is added, and you click into it, you will see the Master Treatment Plan displayed.

     6. Once you are in the plan > click the problem, and match it to the content in the Wiley® Database if it was not matched automatically. Then click 'Select Problem', and the content will be provided to you. If there is not a match, or you want to create a custom problem, click the select problem menu > select 'custom problem' > then click the green + add problem button.

     7. Once it is matched, or you have created something custom click 'related to and evidenced by' on the right, and begin to select options. The same process for adding one, or multiple goals. As always, you can use this content as a base, and edit it, or simply enter in your own statement on the left side of the page.

     8. Then begin to add objectives provided to you that are specific to the problem, or add your own custom objectives utilizing the same process. Select the drop down menu > then click the green + add objective button.

     9. The first objective will be labeled 'Objective #1A'. The 2nd objective will be labeled '#1B', and on.

     10. Once you have added the appropriate objectives to the corresponding problem(s), you can click on the title (Objective #1A) in order to expand that area, and start adding interventions. You can also make any edits to the objective description from this area. The process of adding interventions is the same as the previous steps. You can either add something that is provided by Wiley®, or add you own custom intervention.

     11. Clicking on the intervention name (Intervention / Strategy #1A1) will display the content provided that you can edit, or will allow you to enter in your own intervention if you selected 'custom'.

     12. From here you can edit the creation date (although it is automatically added), select a target date, select a resolved date, the duration, frequency, services (we previously made in settings), measurements (we previously added in the form template settings), and modalities (we previously made in settings).

Note: Any measurement based tools selected will be automatically created once the plan is signed by all parties, and in an 'active' status.

     13. Repeat the process for all problems, objectives, and interventions.
     14. Once the Master Treatment Plan is ready to be finalized, activated, and signed > navigate to the bottom of the page > sign the form > and after the page refreshes > select 'Next: Create Working Review'. This locks the Master Plan from being changed once it is signed by all parties, and duplicates all information over to the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review'. This review will be worked on until it is due (typically ever 30 days), or when a level of care change occurs.

     15. You will be brought in to the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review' immediately, and will notice that nothing has changed as of this point. Any changes that do occur from this point forward will occur in this document. 

     16. Over the course of the next few days, or weeks make any and all changes within the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review'.
     17. If you click down into the problem > objectives > interventions > you will see a status menu located below the 'Current Intervention / Strategy Description' box.

 This status may change multiple times before the treatment plan review is due, or the client changes level of care. When you select a status, there will be a revision area that appears below the 'Intervention / Strategy' box in the above screenshot. 

Note: All revisions will be numbered for a complete history.

     18. Clicking the revision will expand the area, and allow you to make the necessary updates within that field.

     19. From here, you can view the current intervention, and change the objective, as well as the intervention.

     20. Continue to do the same for the remaining goals, objectives, and interventions that need to be updated.

     21. Once the review is due, OR the client has changed a level of care > scroll to the bottom of the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review' > fill out any other relevant information in the box provided > have the client sign > and have the appropriate clinical team members sign.

Note: Only have the client sign, and the clinical team sign once the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review' is complete, and you are ready to finalize it.

     22. Now it is time to bring the latest information from your 'Working Treatment Plan / Review' and bring it into a new Master Treatment Plan for their level of care change, or after their required treatment plan review was due, and completed.

     23. Once all signatures are recorded, the page will refresh, and you will see a button that reads 'Next: Complete / Create New Plan'.

     24. Once this button is selected, the latest information entered into the 'Working Treatment Plan / Review' will be brought into the new Master Treatment Plan.

     25. Repeat this process for the duration of the client's treatment.

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