How to Add 'Problems' to the Database (for the master problem list)

Adding problems is very simple, but first you must save them in the database to prevent spelling errors and allow for treatment plan mapping.

The first step is to open Zen Charts

Click the main menu

Click Other

Click System Administration

Click ICD Codes

Click Problems

Click Add Problem

Write in the name of the problem them click Add Problem. Note: If you would like to auto-create treatment plans when that problem is selected you can choose the treatment plan to map to from the drop down.

Your problem is now available.

Now when you create your MPL, you can add the problem that you saved in the database.

Click Add Problems

If you start typing ZenCharts will use it's type-ahead function to display anything matching that text in your problem database.

Click Add Problem

That's it. You're done.

Watch the video on this process:

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