How to use the guardian portal (ZenCharts Customers)

The Guardian Portal is made available to all ZenCharts customers, but is typically only used by adolescent facilities. The portal allows for guardians to sign documentation while off-site.

How to turn on the guardian portal

In order to have the portal active for a patient, you must first turn the option on. You can do so by adding it when a patient is first created in pending admissions or via the Facesheet of any patient.

From New Initial Guest Screen:

From the Facesheet:

How to activate and invite guardians:

Once the guardian portal is activated, you now have to add contacts and mark them as guardians. That will initiate a ZenCharts invitation to the email address we have on file.

To add contacts, you can do so via the initial guest screen or the Facesheet. Just make sure you mark them as a guardian via the option in the modal.

After adding the contact and selecting them as a guardian they will get a link to the portal to sign up. The guardian must login with their own credentials as well as the patients name and last four of their social security number.

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