Group Note Sign in Sheets

In the latest update to V2, we have improved the group note sign in sheet. The new design includes a better layout, auto-saving in all fields, faster response time and a better print style sheet for the printed version of the sign in sheet. 

Design layout:

To better assist in a walk through of the page here is a keyed screen shot:

  1. The header of the form will now contain the scheduled time and date as well as the group title. We've also included patient pictures for every patient in the sign in sheet to help easily identify your group participants.

  2. Group topic is generally pre-populated from your event settings (Other > Master Schedule > Event Templates) for that group.

  3. Group event end time / current time have been clearly distinguished from the previous radio buttons.

  4. Event attributes such as the location of the group, facilitator and co-facilitator now live on the same line of the document.

  5. Options for selecting / deselecting all patients as well as the ability to expand / collapse all individual interventions with one click.

  6. Users with roles that allow for "caseloads" can now quickly add their caseloads or others without searching for the function.

  7. Custom fields on your sign in sheets are laid out line by line under the individual intervention. You can set these new custom fields via Other > System Admin > Settings (Custom Content tab).

  8. Adding clients will appear right above the "group note" field.

  9. The universal group note that will go to all patients charts is nested at the bottom of the page.

  10. Submit group note has been minimized in size (still large) to avoid accidental submission of group notes.

  11. While we auto-save group notes, we still provide a save button. Additionally, printing the sign in sheet can be done from here or the print icon at the top of the page as well.

  12. We minimized and colored the "remove sign in sheet" button to a simple, red, text link that clearly shows it's negative effect when used. Unless of course, you do actually want to remove the entire sign in sheet.

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