Form Actions / Settings
In our latest release for the finalized ZenCharts V2 form design, we have condensed all the actions into a simple settings menu.
Each menu item has it's own behavior:
Refresh - this will refresh weekly events on the weekly progress note.
Update Modules - if you use our modules this button will pull the latest information into your modules. For example, if you add this form and the patient hasn't been diagnosed, the diagnosis module in this form will be blank. Clicking Update Modules will get the latest values and fill it in. Remember, everything in ZenCharts moves forward, not backwards.
Edit Template - this will give you the option to edit the form template itself and bring you into the form builder.
Change Settings - this will give you the ability to quickly adjust the form templates settings from a modal pop up.
Save & Exit - this speaks for itself but will save your work (we auto-save so it's not necessary) and exit the document.