Recovery in Addiction - Presented by Dr. David Mee-Lee (October, 2017)

Recovery in Addiction: What Do You Really Mean and 

Walking the Talk about Recovery  - a ZenCharts Webinar

Presented by David Mee-Lee, M.D. 

Description of Presentation:  

Treatment and recovery in addiction is not always a smooth path.This presentation will discuss what we really mean by recovery in addiction treatment.It will explore whether we actually take recovery seriously despite our frequent use of the term.

This presentation will invite participants to examine their attitudes about recovery as expressed in the language and jargon we use in treatment; how assessments and treatment planning is done; how services are structured and delivered; and how relapse and substance use while in treatment is addressed.It will discuss the discrepancy between what clinicians often say about recovery and relapse and what they actually do in treatment.  

Learning Objectives: 

Participants will:  

1.) Identify definitions, attitudes and dilemmas in recovery and relapse in addiction treatment.
2.) Discuss the discrepancy between concepts about recovery and relapse and actual clinical practice.  
3.) Apply ways to improve consistency in dealing with recovery and relapse in addiction treatment.

Presenter Bio:

David Mee-Lee, M.D. is a board-certified psychiatrist, and is certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). He is based in Davis, CA and trains and consults both nationally and internationally.Dr. Mee-Lee is Chief Editor of The ASAM Criteria and is Senior Vice President of The Change Companies. He is also a Senior Fellow, Justice Programs Office (JPO) of the School of Public Affairs (SPA) at American University, Washington, DC and co-founder of the Institute for Wellness Education, in Teaneck, NJ.Dr. Mee-Lee has forty years experience in person centered treatment and program development for people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions. 

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