Internet Requirements

Cloud based “Software As a Service” (SAaS) is the most common software product of our times.  Long gone are personal server based programs.  Even Microsoft has shifted to online software products with Google Docs giving them a run for their money.  With that said, it is essential to recognize that not all “internet”  access is the same.  Just getting online is not enough, speed is essential in running web-based social service technology programs. 

In fact, states the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recommends minimum bandwidth speeds based upon: the size of the agency, number of users, hardware capacity, user locations, and real-time transactions.  Simply having internet is not sufficient for your technology needs.  Of course, it goes without saying, if you allow guests to utilize your wireless system, have the system split into two unequal accounts, with your agencies users utilizing the bulk of the bandwidth.  If you  are in an area with limited internet speed, you may want to block guests (and staff) from using social media accounts such as YouTube or streaming services like Netflix as these will drain your bandwidth as well.

Here are some basic minimums to consider:

  • Small Practice (2-4 users) – 10 Mbps

  • Medium Residential Program – 10 Mbps

  • Clinic/Large Outpatient Practice (5-25 users) – 25 Mbps

  • Large integrated program  – up to 100 Mbps

Consider more bandwidth than less, know your internet providers reliability, to do this,look at customer satisfaction in your area.  You can do a Google Search to find reviews.  Be as bold as having a backup internet provider as part of your system or technology plan.  Losing use of the internet for an extended period of time can cost you big time, especially prior to an audit!  If you are CARF or The Joint Commission accredited you must have a Technology (IT) Plan in place for your agency, it is all about mitigating risk!  Having a small additional expense will cost you less in the long run.  

Once you have your service online you can test speeds via “” it is a free service and will show you download and upload speeds.  Remember utilizing wireless service will diminish up to 50% of your bandwidth, therefore, when possible hardwire your work stations.

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