How to add Facility Contacts/Referral Sources V2.0
The first step is to open ZenCharts and navigate to System Administration > Contacts.
You will now enter the facility contacts page which include Referral Sources (Organizations or People), Contracts, and Outgoing Referrals. On this page you will see all Contacts as well as filter to sort by type and buttons to add new Contacts or to export the list of Contacts to a CSV file.
To add a new Contact you will press the add new contact button in image above and you will be able to enter in the demographic info for the contact and save to your facilities ZenCharts server.
You will have the option to enter:
What the Contact type is (Person, Organization, Contract, Care Manager, Other, or All)
The Name, as well as a sub category for a single person if the contact is an Organization/Contract
Classification of the source: Detox (you refer/receive from) , Referral (Incoming), Refer To (Outgoing), and Contract. If your contact is more than one of these you can select all that apply
Demographic info for the contact (Address, Phone, etc)
Press the "Add This Contact" button after entering the contacts info, and your all set it will be available to assign to patients!