How to Record Vital Signs, Weights, and Blood Glucose in ZenCharts
Entering Vital Signs
Login to ZenCharts and click into the desired client's chart
Go to the main navigation menu drop down and select Medical
In the medical section, click on the sub-menu location of Vitals Chart
4. Add vital signs by clicking on Add Record and input your values in the appropriate fields. If you are inputting a full set of vitals in addition to blood pressure and heart rate, simply check the additional check boxes for the additional fields to display. You also have the ability to input pain scores within this modal as well, and that's it, you're done!.
Note: Vital Signs can be documented from within a form or an assessment if the vital signs module has been placed in the form template. They can also be documented from the e-mar/e-mor (if it is checked off as a requirement when the order was entered) prior to signing off on a medication. Vitals entered in the vital signs module from within an assessment or the e-mar/e-mor will auto-populate into this Vitals Chart section. If you are given the correct rights you will be able to delete vitals from the form and this will not affect the vital records inside of the vitals chart.
Entering Blood Glucose Values
1. Navigate to the medical section of the desired client's chart, then click into the Vitals Chart sub-menu location
2. From the left hand side menu's in the vitals chart section, select blood glucose chart
3. Adjust the date and time field as needed, and enter blood glucose value in the reading field. If education was completed, select the education check box and type in additional details in the text field. If an intervention was taken, select the intervention check box and type in details in the text field
4. Click Add Record, and that's it you're done! Your blood glucose readings will be graphed out on the graph below the entries
Entering Weights
1. Navigate to the medical section of the desired client's chart, then click into the Vitals Chart sub-menu location, and from the drop down in the vitals chart menu, select BMI chart
2. Click on Add BMI Record. In the BMI modal, adjust the date and time as needed, enter weight (lbs.) and height (feet and inches), click on calculate BMI and this will save your information and auto-calculate the BMI.
Tracking CIWA/COWS/CINA Scores
Note: If your facility staff is completing the Zen version CIWA/COWS/CINA assessments within ZenCharts, each of these scores will all be graphed out for you over time to see how a client's assessment scores are trending overall. If your facility had custom forms made they will not populate here.
1. Navigate to the medical section of the desired client's chart, then click into the Vitals Chart sub-menu location, and from the drop down in the vitals chart menu, select desired assessment section, in this example I will select the CIWA Chart
2. View the trending scores that are graphed out. If you hover your mouse over a certain point over the graph, it will display the exact score for that date and time when that assessment was completed.