How to readmit a patient

Find the Readmitting Patient

In order to readmit a previous patient, please search for the patient in the top right search bar or in the "discharge" tab of the waiting room.

Start the Readmission

Once you've located the patient, open their Facesheet and you'll see a button that says "Readmission". Click that button and you'll be able to begin the readmission process.

Note: If your account has multiple locations, you may have to transfer the patient to the readmitting facility first. 

Choose to re-verify their insurance benefits

Once you click the button to readmit a patient, ZenCharts will ask if you'd like to re-verify their benefits. You can choose to do so or not.

Choose the readmission date and then click the "re-admit patient" button in the bottom right of the modal. 

Convert to a patient

After you re-admit them they will be available in your waiting room under "ready to be converted". Click that button and begin the normal admission process.

You'll now see multiple treatment episode tabs, the default view will be the current admission.

That's it. You're done.

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