How to Add Saved Order Templates to a Client's Chart (v3)

Note: Not all roles will have the ability to enter orders in the system, your System Administrator will have to adjust your rights in the system if you are unable to add an order but need this ability.

Sign into ZenCharts and click into the appropriate client's chart
From the main navigation, click on 'Medical' , then click into the 'Orders' section

1. Click on the + plus sign and select 'Add Saved Order'

2. Select the tab based on the order type

3. Click on the check boxes next to the orders you wish to select

4. Click  'Select Orders' to save your selections prior to going to another tab or page

5. Click 'Add Selected Orders'

6. Complete filling out the 'Ordered By, Ordered Via' fields, you may also adjust the starts date if needed, then Click 'Add Orders'

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