How to Add a Saved Protocol to A Client's Chart (v3)

Note: Not all roles will have the ability to enter orders in the system, your System Administrator will have to adjust your rights in the system if you are unable to add an order but need this ability.

Sign into ZenCharts and click into the appropriate client's chart
From the main navigation, click on 'Medical' , then click into the 'Orders' section

1. Click on the + plus sign and select 'Add Protocol'

2. Find the protocol and click the  'Add Protocol' 

3. Review all the order templates within this protocol, you may deselect any order templates that do not apply. You may also adjust the start date of any of the individual orders, or they all default to the current start date 

4. Complete the 'Ordered By, Ordered Via' fields, then Click 'Add Orders'

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