How to Add a Referral Order (v3)

Note: Not all roles will have the ability to enter orders in the system, your System Administrator will have to adjust your rights in the system if you are unable to add an order but need this ability.

Sign into ZenCharts and click into the appropriate client's chart
From the main navigation, click on 'Medical' , then click into the 'Orders' section

1. Click on the + plus sign and select 'Add Referral Order'

2. Fill out the Modal:

Referral Type:
Internal - if the specialist is in house or is a ZenCharts user at the facility (the specialist must have the role 'Medical Referral Specialist' selected in their user profile to be in the specialist drop down)

External: if the referral is to an outside specialist who is not a ZenCharts user at your facility.  

Referral Specialist:
Select Name or Place from drop down
(If this is an external specialist, and what you are searching for is not in the drop down, click on 'add new contact', add demographics and make sure to select 'Type of Organization: Medical Referral/specialist', then click create organization', close out tab, and click the refresh icon to see the newly added contact in the drop down)

Location: If it is an internal referral, and your facility is multi location, select which location the client should be seen in

Notes: Enter any details/reasons for this referral

Ordered By, Ordered Via: Select the name of the provider giving the order, and how the order was received

3. Click 'Create Referral Order Form'

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