How to Add an Order for a Medication that is Not Found in the Rx Norm Search (v3)

There may be times where you are searching for a medication in the RxNorm search, and may be unable to find it, this is because RxNorm is a database for prescription medications in the US. Typically, the missing items are dietary supplements, if you ever find a prescription medication missing from the search, please let us know about it, so we can further look into it.

In these situations where a medication cannot be found, you can still enter an order for it with this work around: add it as an action order.

When adding a manual order (or creating an order template) 

1. In step 1 of the ordering wizard, select the order type (action orders are intended to work only as standard order types)

2.  Select the check box 'Action'

3. Fill out the field "Medication/Action name" with the name of the medication, dose, and route - this will be the line that will push into the eMAR

4. In step 2 of the ordering wizard - select the frequency, and any other requirements you would like to set

5. In step 3, you may add additional instructions in the instructions to staff field that you would like to display on the eMAR/eMOR, and complete and start the order


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