How to Add Prior Orders as New Orders to a Re-admitted Chart (v3)
When a previously admitted client is re-admitted to your facility (same location, or another location- for multi-location centers), we now how a feature that will allow you to view what orders were active in the client's chart at the time of the previous discharge, with the ability to add those orders to the newly re-admitted chart.
These order will still behave as new orders, and if they are being entered by a staff member other than the prescriber themselves, the orders will still need to be review signed by the prescriber. Essentially, you are still adding brand new orders to the newly admitted chart, this is not a "continuation of orders" from the previous admission. The goal is to save time by spending less time charting and more time taking care of the clients. We hope you will find this feature beneficial.
Here is how this feature works from inside the client's re-admitted chart:
1. Navigate to the orders page (Medical > Orders)
2. Click on the button "View Prior Orders" (top right)
3. The modal that displays will show you all the active orders in the clients chart at the time of their last discharge - you can select which ones to continue by clicking on the check box next to each order (or select all by clicking the top check box)
4. The start date and time will always default to the present time, you may adjust this as needed, or leave it as is to make the order active immediately
5. Complete the ordered by and ordered via sections ( as mentioned previously, the system treats these as new orders)
6. Click "Add Orders"
You have now easily added these orders to the clients new/current admission!
(Only users who have the appropriate access in ZenCharts to add orders will be able to utilize this functionality)
Watch the quick video to see how this feature works: