How to Set Up Template Treatment Plan Content

We now offer the ability to edit Treatment Plan content prior to creating a plan.

First Log in and navigate to your system administration settings.

Select Treatment Plan Content

Once in settings select Treatment Plan Content Click Actions and Create a New Problem

Enter your custom problem description - if tied to a diagnosis select that in the Diagnosis box

Enter your "Related and Evidence By", "Goal", and "Objectives" as show below, once done go back to the top and click "Save Problem"

Now go into your client and add a Master Problems list -

  1. If the Custom problem has been tied to an ICD code, select that ICD code

2. If the Custom problem is NOT tied to an ICD code, select "Add Problems" and type in the problem description

Here you will see the "Select Problem" drop down, inside under "Custom" you will find your Custom Problem Description, select it and press "Select Problem"

Once you have selected the problem you will see your Custom Library options under -

  • Related to and Evidence By

  • Goals

  • Objectives

Congratulations! You have successfully used the Custom Treatment Plan Content

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