How to Document Medication/ PRN Effectiveness (v3)
There are two ways to navigate to and update Medication/PRN Effectiveness:
A) through the client's chart (for an individual client)
B) through the eMAR Dashboard (for ALL clients)
A) Access Through the Client's Chart
Method 1 (Streamlined)
Medication/PRN effectiveness can be accessed from the eMAR without going into each individual medication, streamlining documentation for multiple medications.
1. Navigate into the Client's chart and from the main navigation select: Medical > eMAR
2. Click 'PRN Effectiveness Due For:" to open a modal with a list of medications already signed off and needing documentation
3. Click "Medical Effectiveness" to document effectiveness and any other notes.
4. After adding effectiveness, save by clicking "Add Medication Effectiveness"
Return to the list of medications by clicking "Return To List"
Method 2
Medication/PRN effectiveness can also be documented individually by each medication in the client's chart.
1. Navigate into the client's chart and from the main navigation select: Medical > eMAR
2. Next to the medications that have already been signed off, you will see a button to "Add Note/Medication Effectiveness", click on this button for a modal to open to document effectiveness and any other notes
3. After entering notes, click on "Add Notes/Medication Effectiveness" to save documentation
Note: To add vital signs, click "Save Effectiveness & Add Vital Charts". This will save the note that was already made and will open a new modal to document appropriate vital signs and any other notes
See Video:
B) Access through the eMAR Dashboard
Method 1 (Streamlined)
Medication/PRN effectiveness can be accessed from the eMAR Dashboard without going into each client's chart, streamlining documentation for multiple clients..
1. Navigate to the eMAR Dashboard from the main navigation select: Medical > eMAR Dashboard
2. Click "PRN Effectiveness Due For:" to open a modal with a list of all patients' due medication effectiveness
3. Click "Medical Effectiveness" to document effectiveness for each patient.
4. After adding effectiveness, save by clicking "Add Medication Effectiveness". Last, return to the list of medications by clicking "Return To List"
Method 2
Medication/PRN effectiveness can also be documented individually by each medication in the eMAR Dashboard instead of going into each client's chart.
1. Navigate to the eMAR Dashboard from the main navigation select: Medical > eMAR Dashboard
2. In each client's section, click "Notes/Effectiveness", which opens a module to document effectiveness and other notes.
3. After entering notes, click on "Add Notes/Medication Effectiveness" to save documentation
See Video: