Adding ROI in v3
Navigate to the patient's chart.
Scroll down to the contacts area.
Select "add contact".
Fill out the client's contact's information in the modal. It is best to be as thorough as possible.
Depending on your system's setting there are two different processes with the same result.
If there is a checkbox to add authorization of release of records at the bottom of the modal, you will check that box and create the contact. The ROI will be created when the contact is created.
If there is no checkbox to add authorization of release of records, the setting is set to automatically create a ROI upon creation of a contact.
Navigate back to the client's face sheet and you will see the ROI next to the contact clicking the button for it will take you to the form and the client can check off the appropriate check boxes and sign the form.
You now have created a new ROI for the patient. You can add as many as needed, but they must be added via this process. You can not add and ROI by using the add form function.